ACT II made by the project team BULGARIA
Beezy is in her room and is preparing her luggage for the trip. While she is packing, two of her friends Beebee and Bella enter the room.
Beebee and Bela – Where are you packing for Beezy? Where are you going?
Beezy – What a wonderful day! I am going to Bulgaria!
Beebee – Bulgaria? What?
Bella – Where?
Beebee – When?
Bella – Why?
Beezy – I have no time to explain to you, girls! I have to go! My beeplane will depart soon!
Beebee and Bella – We are coming with you, then!
Beezy, Beebee and Bella are at the airport and are waiting for their Beezair. Suddenly they feel some unpleasant smell coming from Stinky, the stink bug.
Stinky – Hey girls! Wait for me! I am coming too!
Beezy, Beebee and Bella (quietly between each other - whispering)
Beebee – Oh no! It’s Stinky again!
Bella – We can’t get rid of that stink bug!
Beezy – Quiet, girls! The queen said that we shouldn’t make fun of him!
The three bees (annoyed) – Hiiii Stinky!
The three bees and Stinky enter the airplane-butterfly beeplane.
They arrive in Bulgaria and come at the airport. At the airport they wonder where to take to. Suddenly they see an old ant dragging its old suitcase with flags and stickers from different countries all over it.
Beezy – This is him, the one we need! He looks very reliable!
The bees and stinky dash towards the ant to look for help.
The three bees – Excuse us, we need some help! We have just arrived from Portugal to find Beezy’s father, who has disappeared in a city near the river Danube.
ANTon – Oh, you mean Ruse! There, there! You must go there! ( the ant shows to the North)
The three bees shout on the run – Thank you!
All of them head forward to the exit. They run towards the exit, Beezy bumps into a charming boy. That was Austin Waspin, the wasp. Beezy’s glasses fall down, and Austin leans down to give them to her.
Beezy – My glasses, my glasses! Where are my glasses?
Austin lifts the glasses from the ground and gives them to her.
Austin – Here you go! You are in a hurry, huh? Where to?
Beezy – We are on a mission! – Beezy puts her glasses on and dashes to go away.
Austin – Then I am coming too!
Beezy, surprised – What?
Austin – By the way I am Austin Waspin.
Beezy – Uhmmm… hurry up then! We are late!
The curtain drops and the décor changes.
Narrator – And so, our friends took the bus to Ruse and on the road Beezy told her story to Austin Waspin. Beebee and Bella were talking about the royal court of the Queen Bee, and Stinky was peacefully napping on the back seat. Soon they reached Ruse.
The five of them go out on the bus station in Ruse. They wandered, they wandered and they reached a tall building – that was the school “Leonardo Buzzvincy
Beebee – I am sure that we will get help here!
Bells – It is very interesting here! It is full of children and fun!
The five of them dash in the cabinet of the Mother Bee. They start to explain what happened one over the other.
Beezy – My father! My father! I am looking for my father…
Bella – The Queen Bee sent us from Portugal…
Beebee – We all went to the airport…
Stinky (slowly and lazily says) – I came too…
Beezy – We met Austin at the airport…
Beezy looks at Austin and makes a gesture at him to say something.
Austin – Yes! That’s right!
Mother Bee gathers her most-responsible bees and introduces them to the five travelers.
Mother Bee – These are Beezy, Beebee, Bela, Stinky and Austin. They have travelled to Bulgaria all the way from the warm Portugal, to look for the father of Beezy. Who wants to help them?
Many antennae of the young bees trembled with enthusiasm.
Mother Bee – These are my bees!
The curtains fall.
Narrator – Inspired, all of them go to search for Beezy’s faher. And so they arrived at the bank of the Danube river.
Beezy – Austin, what is your story, then? Why do you want to come with us?
Austin – Me? Well, I am an adventurer by nature and I wanted to see the world. I wanted to meet with many bees from many other hives. I wanted to write my story. I wanted to leave something after. Do you know what happens with Nature in the world?
Beezy – Nature? Queen Bee mentioned something.
Austin – The air is getting more and more polluted, the trees are being cut down everywhere, our life is threatened, and do you know what will happen if bees go extinct?
Beezy – I don’t know! Tell me?!
Austin – There won’t be any future for anyone! The whole world will die!
Bella – That sounds terrible!
Beebee – What can we do to stop this?
Beezy – Lets found a general council of the bees on protecting the environment.
Stinky – Of course! We will call it Green Bees! But why would it be only for bees?
Beezy – Of course that it won’t be for bees only! Every insect is responsible for preserving nature, so we all must help!
Austin – Ooh, this sounds wonderful!
Beezy – And that way we will continue my father’s deed!
Austin – I know your father, Beezy! You have your father’s antennae! I’ve known you since I saw you! I think your Dad mentioned that he would go to Romania to help in the fight for cleaner environment. Perhaps we should go there!
End of Act II